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A Simple Introduction to URL Routing
May 28, 2013What is URL Routing? URL Routing means that you when click on a link, instead of being routed to another page, you stay on the same page and the content changes. When this happens, usually a “hash” will be appended to your current URL so that the user can go directly to the content they… Read more »
The Battle of Modern Javascript Frameworks: Conclusion – Which One to Choose
April 15, 2013On one hand, each javascript framework has its unique advantages and it is reasonable to say that each one has its place in web development. On the other hand, these frameworks have a similar goal. They are all excellent frameworks and there will certainly be a place for each one as web apps continue to… Read more »
The Battle of Modern Javascript Frameworks: Part V – Ember.js
April 15, 2013Ember as it is described by its creators is ambitious and opinionated. The goal of developing ember is simple; create a web framework that will enable web apps to rival native apps. To accomplish this, ember offers an end to end solution with all the features you need to create a single page web app… Read more »
The Battle of Modern Javascript Frameworks – Part III: Backbone.js
April 11, 2013Right now Backbone.js is probably the most popular as well as simplest of the modern javascript frameworks. As its name describes, it main goal is to give a nice MVC structure to your javascript code. Backbones goal is to clean up your code by organizing all your data and event handlers into javascript objects. This… Read more »